"Twilight Over Burma" is a film based on the true story of Inge Sargent, an Austrian woman who married the Prince of Burma, Sao Kya Seng, in the 1950s. The film depicts their life together and the political turmoil that ensued in Burma, leading to the military coup and the imprisonment of Sao Kya Seng. Inge Sargent fought for his release and the restoration of democracy in Burma, but ultimately had to flee the country with their children. The film was directed by Sabine Derflinger and stars Maria Ehrich and Daweerit Chullasapya in the lead roles. It was released in 2015 and received mixed reviews.
Sao Kya Seng:
Sao Kya Seng was a Shan prince in Burma (now known as Myanmar). He became the Saopha (ruler) of the principality of Hsipaw in 1947, after the country gained independence from British colonial rule. He was known for his progressive policies, including promoting education and infrastructure development in his region.
In 1962, a military coup led by General Ne Win toppled the democratically elected government of Burma and Sao Kya Seng was arrested and imprisoned for several years. He died in custody in 1969, under mysterious circumstances. His story, along with that of his wife Inge Sargent, is the subject of the film "Twilight Over Burma".
Sao Kya Seng died in custody in 1969, under mysterious circumstances. He was imprisoned following the military coup in Burma (now known as Myanmar) in 1962, and despite efforts by his wife, Inge Sargent, and others to secure his release, he remained in detention until his death. The exact circumstances of his death are unclear, and it has been suggested that he may have been poisoned or otherwise mistreated by his captors. His story, along with that of Inge Sargent, is the subject of the film "Twilight Over Burma".
Inge Sargent:
Inge Sargent is an Austrian woman who was married to Sao Kya Seng, the Prince of Hsipaw in Burma (now known as Myanmar) in the 1950s. She lived in Burma for several years and was actively involved in promoting education and healthcare in the region.
Following the military coup in 1962, her husband was arrested and she fought for his release, but was ultimately forced to flee the country with their children. Inge Sargent wrote a memoir about her experiences, called "Twilight over Burma: My Life as a Shan Princess", which was the basis for the film of the same name. She continues to be an advocate for democracy and human rights in Myanmar.